At Legacy Wealth we apply time tested truths to help you address your concerns and achieve your goals.

Wealth Management
Helping you manage your wealth as your fiduciary. Embracing a comprehensive approach, customized around your unique goals and concerns.
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Empowering you to build on your Legacy now, while also preparing to transition that Legacy of Wisdom and Faithfulness to your family and ministries in the future.
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Aligning the management of your portfolio with your unique circumstances, embracing a values driven approach to help you reach your goals.
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Wealth Management
{fi·du·ci·ar·y} /fəˈd(y)o͞oSHēˌerē/
Fiduciary is a person or organization that acts on behalf of another, putting their clients’ interests ahead of their own, with a duty to preserve good faith and trust.
As fiduciaries, we believe the development of a comprehensive strategic plan is essential in helping clients optimize financial outcomes. The highest levels of objectivity are achieved through a fee-based wealth management relationship whereas our interests align with our clients to provide comprehensive customized planning and sound portfolio management. Working in your best interest as a trusted resource we bring insight, wisdom, and experience to your planning with a goal to exceed expectations with the highest levels of excellence.

Legacy Planning
{leg·a·cy} /ˈleɡəsē/
Something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor; a heritage.
Empowering you to transition your wealth while establishing a heritage of faithfulness consistent with your core values and deepest convictions. Not only helping to minimize or eliminate estate and income taxes, but also going several layers deeper to uncover aspects of your Legacy most meaningful to you and your family.
Developing a Legacy Plan guided by your values, beliefs, and objectives brings great Joy and Contentment knowing you are blessing loved ones, and honoring God through faithful stewardship.

Portfolio Strategy
{wis·dom} /ˈwizdəm/
The soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
*Combining an appropriate Active/Passive Management approach with strategic rebalancing and tactical adjustments as market inefficiencies allow.
*Active Tax Management through tax loss harvesting, strategic reallocations, and gifting of highly appreciated shares.
*Multiple Premier Investment Firms managing individual securities to reduce cost and enhance performance.
*A thoughtful focus on quality while steering clear of companies that profit from pornography, abortion, predatory lending, alcohol and tobacco.
*Thousands of randomized Monte Carlo simulations customized to help to determine optimal allocations designed to reduce risk and enhance long term performance. While there is no guarantee that future results will directly align with the probability assessments, we believe this exhaustive approach is a great help in determining our client’s appropriate asset allocations.